St Ninian's and St Andrew's URC

We are located at Chanterlands Avenue, Hull HU5 4DJ

St Ninians and Andrews URC









St. Ninian's and St. Andrew's considers itself a church that is open to exploration of faith. The members hope to build on our proud history of our non-conformist forebears by being a church where honest questions receive honest answers. We are also proud to be the only Church in the area who perform same sex marriages.

We are the only church on Chanterlands Avenue - near the bridge, opposite the garage - and strive to be at the heart of the community.

We usually worship at 9.30 on Sundays and our service is traditional. 

All welcome at any or all of our services

  • Monday (fortnightly) in ACR: Ladies Circle at 7.30p.m.
  • Tuesday in SAH – Tea and Toys 9.30am to 11.30 am. Suitable for mums and child minders along with their children. Term time only. 
  • Tuesday in SAH - 7.15-9.15 p.m. Rack-a-Back Morris dancers
  • Wednesday in ACR: 2.00-4.00pm: St Ninian's Needlecrafters
  • Wednesday in SAH – 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm Rainbows. Term time only.
  • 7.00 pm to 8.15 pm Brownies. Term time only.
  • Thursday  in ACR 1.15 pm to 3.15 pm Creative writing group. (Most Thursdays, term time only.)
  • Thursday in ACR - 4.30-5.30 pm Squirrels. Term time only.
  • Thursday in SAH5.00 pm to 6.00 pm Beavers. Term time only.
  • Thursday in SAH - 6.15 pm to 7.45 pm Cubs. Term time only.
  • Thursday in SAH - 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm Scouts. Term time only. 
  • Friday3rd Friday in the month in ACR. Trefoil Guild 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm. 

 In addition to these, the  Rainbow Pre-School, which meets every weekday during term time and is available to 2-4 year olds, has exclusive use of St Ninian's Hall.

Ordination & Induction: Saturday 3rd August

Only just over month to go now! If you haven’t already told me that you wish to attend the service, could I please ask you do so as soon as possible.  Thanks.  Refreshments will be served after the service - please have a word with me if you are willing to help. (No food required - it will be ‘bought-in’.)

 After five years in vacancy, we are all looking forward to welcoming Simon (and Kelly) into our churches.  Simon's first service with us will be on Sunday 18th August. 

Jean Franks

 St.Ninian’s Needlecrafters

Well we're now officially into meteorological summer – and it certainly feels like it here in Skidby today – let's hope it lasts! 

We're still working hard on Wednesday afternoons with crosses, poppies, knitting and cross stitch projects (including a saxophone, owls, a portrait of David Essex, and the Twelve days of Christmas). The latter was going to be a year long adventure [i.e. one section each month] but the crafter is up to day 11 already!!

 We don't take breaks over the summer, so who knows what we'll have completed by the time of the next newsletter

 Don't forget tea and biscuits are still available to anyone who pops in to see us on Wednesday afternoons!

                    Mary Young

Ladies Circle

Monday 1st July at 7.30pm.   “Sewerby Hall” by Hilary Walker

 Monday 15th July at 7.30pm.  “Favourite Gardens” by Roger Burnett

         Roger will be bringing plants for sale, which are very reasonably priced.

 Monday 29th July at 7.30pm.  “Smithy Sea Glass” by Sal Smith

         Please note: this is our last meeting before the summer break in August.

       The balance of your money must be paid at this meeting, for our meal at

       Lazaats. I know most of you have paid, if so, just ignore this message.

 Monday 12th August: This is our Summer Lunch at  Lazaats.

                               PLEASE ARRIVE AT 12.OO noon, TO EAT AT 12.30am.I hope you all enjoy your Summer Holidays and see you back at Ladies Circle on Monday 2nd September at 7.30pm.

  Hazel Hoggard   

People's Art Gallery 2024

We will be holding another People’s Art Gallery at St.Ninian’s & St.Andrew’s United Reformed Church, Chanterlands Avenue, Hull, on Sunday 30th June and Sunday 07th  July.  in conjunction with the Avenues Open Gardens.