Community events
HU5 Clothes Swap
The next clothes swap will take place in our St.Andrew’s Hall on Sunday 8th
September from 11.30am to 3.30pm. The organisers are pleased to
announce the presence of a delicious combo at their next event.
@brew_hull and @cinnamonbakeryhull will be outside
the hall, ready to keep everyone well fuelled for maximum swapping
success. As always, locals are welcome to pop for a coffee or a cake without
having to attend the swap itself.
Have you any discarded medical & mobility equipment ?
Over the last few months quite a few people have mentioned that they have mobility aids which have been used but are no longer required. Some of these aids were originally supplied by the NHS but the service will not accept these as returns, so the equipment either has to be thrown away or passed on to someone else. It is clear that there are multiple items lying around and not needed in peoples’ homes and that they could be used by the needy abroad.
It was suggested that we collect these items together and donate them through ‘Jacob’s Well’ to those who may need them overseas. With this in mind, I wrote to ‘Jacob’s Well’ recently to seek information and their reply is included here:
“Thank you for your e-mail, we do indeed accept all types of medical and mobility equipment as they are very valuable to hospitals and physio clinics overseas where such items are usually only available to those who can afford to pay for them. In the poorer countries that we send mobility aids to they are literally the difference between a person being an invalid and them being able to mobilise by themselves and reclaim some of their independence! We also send a lot of mobility aids to Ukraine hospitals where supplies of everything medical are greatly depleted since the start of the war. We would be happy to accept donations of any mobility equipment that you collect and we appreciate you bringing them over to us. The only thing we ask is that the items are in working order. Many thanks for thinking of us and for your continued support of Jacobs Well Appeal.”
We are planning on taking whatever we collect over to “Jacob’s Well” in Beverley during the first two weeks in October, so, if you or your friends have any such redundant equipment, please arrange to bring it to St.Ninian’s during September where we can collect it all together ready to take in October.
Peter Brewer
Christmas Shoe Box Appeal
Once again I will be collecting shoe boxes full of gifts for under privileged children in third world countries. As in previous years they will be dispatched by ‘Jacob’s Well’. Please let me have the boxes by Sunday 10th November at the latest. If you would like, you can include a Christmas card and a note from the sender. Any size shoe box will do and the items to put in could include:
Flannel, Sponge Soap (wrapped)
Toothbrush Toothpaste
Comb, Hairbrush, Hair-slides
Notebook, Ballpoint pens Pencils, Coloured crayons Felt tips,
Ruler, Rubber, Pencil sharpener
Small toys Soft toys Toy cars, Card games Jigsaw puzzles,
Hats, gloves, scarves
Please note that war related toys are not appropriate and SWEETS of any description are NOT ALLOWED.
One final thing – in order to comply with Customs Regulations, would you please tape a list of contents on the outside of the box and a label stating the age and gender the contents are intended for. Thank you.
Margaret Rooke