
Welcome to the website of Hull United Reformed Church (URC) Team Churches!

                                     Minister: Rev. Dr. Simon Cross

We’re glad that you have found us and hope you like our website. Like us it is in a constant state of evolution and growth so please feel free to come back and visit again! We hope to see you at one of our churches soon.

St Ninian's and St Andrew's, Chanterlands Avenue, Hull, Zion, Hallgate in Cottingham  and Christ Church, Swanland are all  open for worship.   Unfortunately, Christ Church, Southella has closed.  Weekly activities are ongoing in all 3 churches.

Do join us on Sundays:   St Ninian's and St Andrew's meet at 9.30a.m, Zion's service on a Sunday usually begins at 10.00a.m. and Christ Church, Swanland at 10.30am . 

Our next Team Service – Sunday 29th September Please note that our next Team Service will be held at Zion, Cottingham on Sunday 29th September at the usual Team Service time of 10.30am. The worship will be conducted by our minister Rev’d Dr Simon Cross. After the service, Zion will be hosting a buffet lunch. More details about the meal will be given in our church notices when arrangements have been finalised

Harvest – Sunday 13th October 

At the Youth and Family Service on Sunday 13th October at St Ninian's & St Andrew's, we will also be celebrating our annual harvest thanksgiving. Once again we will be collecting items which can be donated to the FoodBank. I know you are all exceedingly generous with your regular donations to this organisation, but donations on this Sunday will be especially welcome. Thank you. 

Learn a new word 

This month’s new word is defenestrate (verb). Imagine being so frustrated with someone that you feel the urge to throw them out of a window. That is precisely what ‘defenestrate’ means. It would be an interesting way to express your irritation! Example: "Howard made me so cross, I had to fight the urge to defenestrate him."  

Just a thought

“If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.” 

Martin Luther King (Jr)

Smile a while 

It was Harvest weekend in a small country village. When the vicar arrived to conduct the morning Harvest Festival service he noticed that the verger was ringing the bells more vigorously than usual. He asked the verger for an explanation for his over-exertion on the bell ropes. “If they’re not coming to Church on this Harvest Sunday,” replied the verger with a twinkle in his eye, “They’re not sleeping-in either !”